
USHthis Summer Youth Camp

dream it. believe it. crUSH it.

USHthis Summer Youth Camp is a 6-day/5-night program for youth with Usher syndrome. USHthis is designed to provide a traditional camp experience, conducted in English, for campers with Usher syndrome, ages 12-17 years old, who use listening and spoken language.

A traditional summer camp offers a wide range of activities, versus a camp that specializes in just one sport or activity. Traditional activities could include archery, canoeing, water based activities, campfire, arts & crafts, bracelet making, hiking, and horseback riding. Campers, ages 15-17, who express an interest in future leadership opportunities will be invited to participate in our Mentor-in-Training program.

Our program is dedicated to providing a supportive and empowering environment where participants can gain an understanding about their diagnosis of Usher syndrome, enhance their self advocacy skills, develop peer-to-peer relationships, and most importantly…just have fun!

Eligibility Criteria

Application Process

USHthis Summer Camp Experience: $1,500.00 per camper

The majority of camp costs are covered by the generosity of donors through Ava’s Voice Inc. and direct sponsorships for the USHthis program. Once applications have been finalized, parents will be contacted for a donation of $150 to secure their child’s place. Families are responsible for the travel costs to and from camp.

Parent Connection

Once campers are accepted and enrolled parents will be connected with other camper parents via What’s App to communicate throughout the experience. This is also the primary way to communicate with our staff throughout the week. Our Parent Coordinator will also be in contact with other parents staying local to the camp venue for meet ups throughout the week. Parents can participate in these opportunities to connect at their leisure. When available, a local venue will be offered at a discount rate for families. Information provided once your camper is officially accepted.

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